HP has launched HP Mini 210 in India. The Mini 210 Netbook features a 1.66GHz N450 Atom processor, GMA 3150 Graphics., 1GB of RAM, option of a 250GB HDD, 3G wireless connectivity and about nine hours battery life. It has a 10.1 inch LED Anti-glare Widescreen Display with resolution of 1024 x 600.
The Mini 210 boasts with chiclet style keyboard, Wi-Fi, webcam, microphone, 5-in-1 media card reader and Windows 7 Starter edition pre-installed and 6-cell battery. The Mini 210 measures less than an inch and weighs 1.2kg. HP Mini 210 will come in Solid Black, Pacific Blue, Sonoma Red, Matte Black with Pattern, and Matte Silver with Pattern colors.The Mini 210 is priced at Rs 16000.
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